A huge thank you to Cubing GCC, WCA Organisers and Delegates, Ambassador International Academy, GANCUBE, volunteers and the 160 competitors who set a new standard for speedcubing excellence.

The Dubai Open 2024 has wrapped up, leaving behind a legacy of thrilling competition, passionate fans, and a celebration of a unique community – the Speedcube enthusiasts


The energy was palpable from the start, with competitors and spectators eagerly engaging in this test of skill and mental agility. The star of the show? The iconic Rubik's Cube, a puzzle that continues to captivate with its complexity and charm.


This event wasn't just a competition, it was a celebration of our vibrant speedcubing community, highlighting incredible talent and fostering deep connections.


Cubuzzle captivated! Witnessing the creativity come alive with every twist and turn was a true highlight.